Sunday, December 17, 2006


So... the 2 minute narrative short is finished! (TFFT)
You can download the gramatical disaster, that is my report... here
And... you can also view the film... here

Sunday, December 10, 2006


Well, I just keep em' rolling in don't I...

Here is another video I stumbled across on youtube and all I have to say for this video is “OMG” x(times) a million... and one! Over here in the UK we are not exposed to the type of 'gaming industry intensity' that Japan, Korea or China experience. Maybe if we were, our UK gaming collectives would pick up skills like this? (I wonder if he can play the piano?)

Its safe to say that this guy must have put in a good amount of hours and a few thousand Yen on this machine, that is some serious “P'OWNEDGE” that he is laying down on this game! ENJOY!

SalvationD - "Insane Gamer"

Saturday, December 09, 2006


More comedy gold from the works of Adam Buxton...

I really love the way he selects a suitable scene, from stock footage, writes and records an alternate voice over for one of the roles, then edits everything together to fit around a completely different scenario. Mr Buxton has also produced another video in fitting with this one, involving Osama Bin Laden and the BBC news. ENJOY!

AdamBuxton - "You Sat We Pay"

Friday, December 08, 2006


After catching up with someone I got to know through playing "Counter Strike" on-line, he told me about a gentlemen (Sam) who was looking for someone to come up with a few web banners for his website. Thirty whole English pounds (£30) to produce a few banners / adverts for “Honor Guard” (think that must be an American spelling – eww)

“Honor Guard Hosting” is an established Internet service provider. They are known for a superior service on a variety of services ranging from game servers to dedicated servers".

Here is a few quick test example that I made with Photo Shop & Flash, put together from CS screens shots. More to follow...

Monday, December 04, 2006


Here is a short film I made about Microsoft's infamous “BSOD”.

gavcooper22 - "BSOD"