Wednesday, September 12, 2007


* game my take a few seconds to load *
* there is audio *

* also available to play HERE @ “” *

This game is the result of my spare time over the summer months.
Produced using Flash it’s a side scrolling space game inspired by such titles as ‘Zero Wing’ (Toaplan) and ‘R-Type’ (Irem).

There are 3 stages with-in the game which I have designed to progress in difficulty as the player advances. (stage 3 is my favourite)
I’ve also added a little sub story, mostly to support the game’s object and end goal, but also to attempt to draw the player in a little more and add to the overall feel.

My friend (Edd) produced the music which I think really sets this game going.
I also had some great help from my tutors, which without I’d still be sat here scratching my head.

See what you think… it’s my first game and my first valid project using Actionscript… I do have to say that I’m pretty proud with the end results, it makes me hungry for more! Please DO leave a comment letting me know what you think, you are my public after all...