Saturday, April 26, 2008


Here’s a screen grab from what I’ve been working on today. I’m still playing around with the tool set, experimenting mostly, really getting to grips with the programs UI. Apologies for the texturing… I haven’t got that far yet…

I’m still yet to grasp outdoor terrain and sun lighting…etc, so for now I’ve just created a big room to put everything else in… n00b! As you can see in the screen grab below the lighting is all wrong, I’m currently reading through the Light Concepts chapter...

Friday, April 25, 2008


Last Tuesday evening I presented my map / level plan to the class (as shown in my previous post - 22/04/08)

Not much of a reaction, maybe because the military out post theme has been done to death, but hey… that’s the kind of maps I digg! I did pick up some constructive feedback though, mainly about the vast scale of my initial plan. I’m now focusing on a re-design one quarter of the size, results… smaller but more polished... still changing and developing the idea…

I’m also currently scouting Ebay, trying to get my hands on a copy of S.T.A.L.K.E.R: Shadow of Chernobyl. A game advised by my tutor for the level design and location themes, very similar to what I described apparently…

I’m getting more engaged with the UT2004 Editor, discovering new abilities each session I use the engine. I’m currently working on a test map for next week’s games gathering, something to play test with the group.

Apart from that I’ve been finding myself scouring every games site under the sun for GTA IV info and updates, just to satisfy my relentless GTA thirst.
I have a copy pre-ordered and I’m pretty close to pissing myself with excitement just waiting for Monday, 12am to appear… just 3 more days!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


Over the last week I’ve been doodling out map / level layouts and designs. I’ve decided to use Flash to show some of my plans in a presentable form…

The main theme behind this level is an old militia / military out post. This out post is out in the sticks, no other form of settlement or life is located anywhere near by. This out post isn’t very well funded or looked after, the buildings are old and this location has visibly come under attacked in the past and has changed hands a good number of times. Bullet holes can be seen in the structures, crumbling brick walls and buildings, smashed windows, crater holes in the ground from past explosions… etc

This location is surrounded by grass and foliage. The main road into and out of the outpost is tarmac, some regularly used dirt tracks can be seen also...

1. This building is actually 2 towers that are connected by a walk way in the middle. The tower on the left is higher than the one on the right. This building is main HQ of the outpost, offices

2. This building is the sleeping / living quarters. They have long been abandoned and left to ruin.

3. This area is the main entrance to the complex; a stationary gun has been set up here looking down towards the HQ. There are also some sandbags and crates here.

4. This building use to be the mess hall and kitchens for the outpost, yet again due to neglect this building and its contents have long been left to rot.

5. This building is where vehicles use to be maintained, it also use to be host the armoury.

6. This building is a small structure housing several prison cells.

7. Guard tower, this structure is a small hut raised up on stilts, only accessible via a ladder. This gives a good vantage point over much of the map.

As you can see this particular design is still in the very early stages.

I’ve talked more about the aesthetics rather than focusing on the exact details of every location on the map. I try to focus on visual feel more to begin with because I feel it gives me a greater sense of how the map / level will look. Details can always be refined later...

Sunday, April 20, 2008


I’ve spent a decent sum of time this afternoon going through the terrain chapters and tutorials for the UT2004 Editor.

Tutorials are a mixed thing with myself, sometimes I get them and all is swell, sometimes I get lost and I abort… this time let’s say that my final file didn’t look like the screen shots in the book, pretty disappointing but it’s obvious that I screwed up somewhere along the lines. I plan to attempt it again tomorrow, with a fresh head.

Even though my tutorial attempt failed I absorbed and understood the rest of the reading in the terrain chapters. I now know and understand the main concepts of how terrain is handled in the UT2004 Editor.

You win some and you loose some….

Monday, April 14, 2008


I’ve started to think about the static meshes that I am going to be creating to populate my Unreal level / map. I’m not so hot at 3DSM, don’t get me wrong, my basic skill set is there, just pulling verts and polys around a screen for hours on end doesn’t enthuse me that much… I’m not much of a graphics whore basically, I’d much rather focus on design.

Today I learnt about Bump Mapping and how it’s subtle use can really add some extra detail to a mesh. Check out my humble crate below…
the old crate is always a classic.

Saturday, April 12, 2008


I had a review last Monday to talk over my progression and development as a GAMES practitioner. It went well, made me reflect about the games industry as it is today and how difficult and frustrating it is to “get your foot in door” so to speak. I have set myself some essential goals to achieve next term and over the summer months…

1. Contextualize MORE! Dissect, analyse and discuss what I’m playing, reading or watching, as for purposes of study.

2. Contextualisation leads to Specialisation! Start to narrow down my areas of interest with-in a production team, make a final choice about what role I want to Specialise in.

3. On-line portfolio! At the moment I have THIS blog (the one you’re reading right now) and I feel it suits my needs and outputs… for the time being. Eventually I want to have my own dedicated address and web space, but I feel that’s all irrelevant if I don’t have a decent amount of solid work ready to showcase. I’m working on that by the way…

4. Research Project, final year. As I understand it this assignment requires me to investigate and research an area relating to digital entertainment, games. From there I devise a path of enquiry that spawns five small projects relating to that question; from these projects I will hopefully determine an answer. David Downes (the D man) is going to outline this in an upcoming lecture; perhaps the brief will become clearer then...

5. Live Client Project, final year. This venture is set between me and an actual client who requires some… stuff done... it is down to myself to find a client and secure a brief with them. I understand that the client can also be a competition.

6. Work Experience. Since March I’ve been trying to get ANY work experience possible, but so far I’ve had a no response at all or a polite ‘not interested’ (I won’t mention names). I’m finding this aspect pretty tasking… trying to get myself and how “worth while” I am across to whatever company I'm making contact with. This is something else I’m working on.

* Note to self – plenty to be getting on with…