I’m slogging it out at the moment, big time, working a run of the mill summer job, grabbing as many hours as I can get my hands on… money, money, money, the bills have got to be paid, sucks.
I’m still finding time to read the array of game design books that I checked out of the library before the holidays, they don’t have to be back till October, score!
In other news I’m drastically re-thinking my Client and Research projects for next semester after having a very insightful conversation with one of my tutors about how best to ’get the most out of them’… re-planning is currently in progress.
In my last scraps of spare time I’ve been playing a lot of Chess over Xbox Live. I'm very much enjoying the game, win or lose, as always. Here’s a related / un-related Pixar short film that I love (Geri's Game, 1997) because I don’t have anything of my own work worthy of showing yet... all filler no killer huh? Enjoy.