Tuesday, November 28, 2006


I've decided to respond to a video blog on youtube and I came across this video below “Plane Take Off”. It reminded me of a short piece of film footage that I shot in 2005, when me and my friend Matt flew from Manchester, England all the way to Tokyo, Japan. We spent just under 3 weeks there, traveling around a little, visiting different citys. It was a great holiday and an amazing place to visit, especially on the multimedia fronts!

vadik2000 - "Plane Take Off"

This is a short film, shot with just one take, as the plane is leaving the runway its a point of view shot out of the planes window. I've added some titles to my effort with a drop of music to finish it off. ENJOY!

gavcooper22 - "TAKE OFF"
Aphex Twin (music) "Drukqs"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very tranquil Gav... I love planes with allll my heart, the best thing is breaking the cloud line i think you should have left it to run past then ^^ :)