Friday, December 08, 2006


After catching up with someone I got to know through playing "Counter Strike" on-line, he told me about a gentlemen (Sam) who was looking for someone to come up with a few web banners for his website. Thirty whole English pounds (£30) to produce a few banners / adverts for “Honor Guard” (think that must be an American spelling – eww)

“Honor Guard Hosting” is an established Internet service provider. They are known for a superior service on a variety of services ranging from game servers to dedicated servers".

Here is a few quick test example that I made with Photo Shop & Flash, put together from CS screens shots. More to follow...


Anonymous said...

Looking cool

The nade is quite funny.

Anonymous said...

The ad needs to be shorter, maybe just the nade, then a css guy with some text then the honor guard but.