Thursday, November 15, 2007


I haven’t posted for a little while, I've been busy…
One of the projects due for hand in this December is a Flash game; my creation is called “CLICK”. Its simple really, the user clicks on the correct symbol, as indicated in the upper left corner of the screen.

It’s a game designed to test the player’s reactions and observational skills. I’m still in mid production with it, but I thought I’d push a demo out there to see what people made of the concept. I got some great reactions along with some positive reviews. (even had a few people ask me to e-mail them with the final version of the game, as they liked playing it that much, which is a nice feeling)

Play the DEMO by clicking on the above "PLAY THIS GAME" image, which will take you to where you can launch the game. If you do play please leave your comments and feedback, this is a work in progress and I’m wide open to hearing your thoughts / suggestions...


Unknown said...

Nice game...i liked it a lot.

I would like to see some instructions at the start for completeness, even though its pretty obvious what you have to do!

Some animations in the final version would add to it also, i.e. some spinning icons in the harder levels, etc....

I look forward to playing the complete game...

Nice work!

Anonymous said...


Well done on your game!

Needs to be much harder though!

And some colour wouldn't go a miss!

I love youxxx

morag said...

I really liked the game gav. I think some instructions would be good though just for sake of it. I liked how the levels got gradually harder, makes it pretty addictive, cant wait to see more levels!

Anonymous said...

well done mate, thats doin' really well on that site aswell... I got 990!!! lol

its lookin good, I think the animation can be a bit smoother though, maybe increase the frame rate?

Ian Sanders said...

Very nice idea for a game Gav, its simple, fun and makes your mind work - some colour's at later levels would make things more challenging - maybe a simple nintendo tune in the background and an option to switch it off possibly?

Anonymous said...

I just want to say Hi to Everyone!