Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I’ve started construction on my Flash game, re-designing some of the visuals and implementing the basic action of the ponds primary inhabitant… the DUCK!

To keep the duck moving with-in a boxed off area I have used the HitTest technique as discussed and illustrated in a previous post below.
(Thanks for the help of with this DD)

There is an issue, a small bug which has generated a game of its own… WATCH THE DUCK! It's a riveting game i promise you. The duck in the current version (below) sometimes escapes his invisible boxed off area and just fly’s away, right off the screen, cheeky bastard! Guess its natural for ducks to do that though… even in the virtual world so it would seem. Not a major issue though, nothing an extra wall or two wont fix.

Click the image below…

Sunday, January 27, 2008


One of the last parts of my duck pond sim thing to analyse and break into building block pieces is the HUD (Head-up Display) This all sits at the top of the game screen in my current design, as shown in the image below.
I’ve added the time count down function, this gives the player a set amount of time to deplete ALL their item stocks and feed the ducks ALL their bread.

Each section that makes up the HUD (items, clock, name, score) will be created using Dynamic Text fields, which are linked to Variables... when the value of one changes so does the other.

The figure below is a flow chart of the various game screens and how they are linked together, pretty useful as a quick reference for when I’m constructing my Flash project.

Saturday, January 26, 2008


The more I try and adapt possible game ideas to fit in with this Phidget sensor Flash game project the more I like my initial duck pond model. I have ‘doodled’ out a good few concepts, most seem to have been done before in one way or another though, yawn!

I’ve used the theory of ‘natural mapping’ for the game play interaction, an obvious link with the hardware control and the visual outcome on the game screen. (e.g.) touch this position on the touch pad and that’s the position you touch in the virtual game world (on screen) This type of mapping is easily learned and always remembered.

I’ve done an illustration (see below) that looks at the natural mapping interaction... click to enlarge.

The figure below shows the possible use of the HitTest actionscript command... click to enlarge.

Breaking down the game into functions and layers like this helps me understand what the essential building blocks are.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008


I’m ILL … sucks! Felt guilty about being strung out for the last few days, forced myself to do some ‘poorly’ 3DSM work.
Observe the dazed progress below.

I’m working on the left hand side of the body, then using symmetry to create
a matching right hand side, hence the missing leg.

Friday, January 18, 2008


It’s still very rough and early on into the model but you get the theory… ME!
I’ve started adding detail around the upper arms (pit) area but everywhere else is a layout, for now.
I'm slowly chipping away at it and improving my skillz all the time... well most times. I’m starting to understand the use of shapes more during every session I model.

(I like my Lego neck there...)

DUCK POND (hero)

I’ll hold my hands up straight away and state that this is a development on someone else’s notion, SB’s for that fact, check it out here (play the game at the end)

You play an old lady; this particular old lady likes feeding the ducks, but every time she goes to her local pond to feed them, a crazed wild duck bullies the others out of any food (bread).

After the initial menu screens, play, options, input player name…etc you visit the convenience store and stock up on items before you head off to the pond. You only have £10 to spend and 3 item spaces to fill. Bread is essential for gaining points... see concept image below, click to enlarge.

This image below is a design of how the game screen could look, none of it is set it stone but I like the overall look so far. Basically the aim of the game is to feed the nice ducks bread and stop the nasty duck bullying all the food for him-self, via the use of your chosen items. Click to enlarge.

This concept image below shows the hardware interface (controls) and how they relate to what’s happening on screen. It also labels each element just in case anything on the game screen seems a bit vague in the personality dept
... click to enlarge.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Chief project this term is to design and produce a Flash game, a five minute (average) level / stage, based around Phidget sensors used for the player control interface.

“Phidgets are an easy to use set of building blocks for low cost sensing and control from your PC. Using the Universal Serial Bus (USB) as the basis for all Phidgets, the complexity is managed behind an easy to use and robust Application Programming Interface (API). Applications can be developed quickly in .NET, Visual Basic, VBA (Microsoft Access and Excel), LabView, Java, Actionscript, Delphi, C and C++.” - phidgets.com

The game must work with Phidget controllers and entirely with a standard keyboard and mouse input also, doing so permits for a mass accessibility.

As an exercise I have developed my Asteroid Storm game from last year, keeping in mind the player reviews from Newgrounds.com and the Phidget hardware I have tried to add to and improve the design.

Check out my concept design below, click to enlarge image…

Tuesday, January 15, 2008


After the initial success (a fair working game system & pleasurable to play) of my card game I decided to start work on a digital version of “Connect Wars”. The two main advantages of a digital version is accessibility (more people can access and play) and playability, basically the game system is enhanced by the pros of it being on a computer.

Below is a concept design of how the Connect Wars game screen could look…

Friday, January 04, 2008


Forza Motorsport 2 has a unique facility with-in the game that allows the player to take a photograph from ANY angle at anytime during a single player race. Then if the player is hooked up to Xbox Live they can upload their photos to the web, allowing PCs and other devices to download and view them. (The whole process takes seconds)

What makes taking and uploading in-game photos “worthwhile” is that Forza 2 also has a massively deep paint box tool that allows players to paint and customise their rides layer upon layer, like how Photoshop uses layers. This combined with a vast library of material at the user’s disposal makes for creating very unique looking cars every time… like a Texture Artist would texture a 3D model. (I’m sure there’s much more to the job role than that)

Below (1st photo) is my Audi TT, its my first car in the game as I’m a n00b!
I’ve spent little time in the paint shop on it, more of a test really.

Bottom (2nd photo) same Audi... moments later... I’ve just slammed it head on into a brick wall… nice damage effects…

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


As promised… a printable deck and rule sheet... enjoy!
(click the file image below to download)

If by some miracle anyone does decide to download, print, cut-out and play my card game, let me know what you think!