Friday, February 15, 2008


I’ve come to a point in the project where I have the code for every main function of the game, in theory I should be able to get the game up and going.

I’ve developed the code for each action separately, each function being produced in its own .fla project file, I did this because it made constructing the code easier, free from conflicts caused by other functions in the script.

Now I’ve come to the stage where I can piece the blocks of code together to make one “working” game engine. After doing so half of the functions cess to work, great. Odd thing is I get no errors spat back at me from Flash… creepy. I’ve spent the last few days working out what could be wrong with it, no joy.

Since it’s the weekend and the coding work isn’t going anywhere I decided to re-work my character designs, please see below…

ABOVE: the hero of my escapade.

ABOVE: good duck & evil duck.

Another function that I can tick off my list is the pre-loader, see screen shot below. I plan to have some audio in my game so that means I MUST have a pre-loader or else it’s doomed in terms of accessibility (slow connections…etc) My pre-loader’s source came from an awesome tutorial that I found at here, very easy to understand and customise.


Adam said...

email me your code/files zipped/rared up to my uni address (n0115971) and ill have a look at it for ya mate

Adam said...

This code is a proper mess mate! Will have a good look at sorting it out.. you mind if I also remove the platforms and change it to the curves I mentioned in previous post's comments?

May take a little while to reorganise check your email in about an hour

Gav Cooper said...

Easy on fella! I thought the script was pretty orderly & uncluttered; you didn’t wanna to see the previous versions, now they were messy!