Thursday, May 15, 2008


Had another 3DSM tantrum this morning, yet even more hours wasted on useless meshes, this afternoon’s efforts were more productive though.
Below is a short video of my level thus far, I’ve added the guard tower, a very Lego like structure which
needs some décor detail adding to it. To give an overall idea about layout I've indicated the GT's position on the 2D map here.

I have also added a small grass mound / hill, which I produced as a mesh… and as you can see the texturing is way off (really need to grasp UVW mapping) I’m very tempted to just use Unreal Ed’s terrain tool instead.

My 3D skills are limited, but improving every time I model. I’m devoting the majority of my time towards good, solid playability rather than wasting it all on bling meshes, thats my excuse!

For some reason the below video capture is much brighter than the game actually is, which is a shame because I'm rather proud of my lighting job.

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