Friday, July 18, 2008


Am I going a little mad here, or is Disney Pixar's new animation cash cow WALL.E a complete character design RIP OFF of John Badham’s 1986 classic, Short Circuit (aka - Johnny 5) ?! Oh wait, there is a change... they’ve added a box for the body... tut!

1 comment:

Will said...

I think it's different enough for them to get away with it.
Wall.e looks like an old industrial robot, which i think is what the character is supposed to be (not that i've seen it yet of course).
There arn't too many main parts which an old looking robot can be built out of if you think about it.
The main similarity I think is the twin, triangular caterpiller tracks, but from the looks of things they don't have the same moveability as Jonney 5's tilting, rotating pair.

I've just realised this is the most pointless point I've made... today. So I'm leaving it there!