Saturday, July 26, 2008


A friend showed me this trailer just after the games announcement at GDC 2008. I’ve been repeatedly watching it ever since and every single time I find myself in a hypnotic state... staring at my monitor… thinking to myself… WOW, that game looks awsome! It really goes to show how much depth / immersion you can create with GOOD design (not to mention the stunning visuals, HD versions can be viewed HERE, it really is worth it).

Below is a break down of the same trailer, it explains the games mechanics and tells us a little more about the beautiful world that DICE have created for this game. So looking forward to this title, compelling stuff!


Anonymous said...

Can anyone say "MATRIX"?

Gav Cooper said...

I wouldn’t go anywhere near as comparing it to the Matrix! (even though the Matrix is a complete rip off of ‘Ghost in The Shell’ for that matter) Free Running seems to be the orientation here, much like Assassins Creed, but this title seems to be delving much deeper, much, much deeper...

Gav Cooper said...

I’ve just watched an interview with one of the lead designers from Dice; apparently you can play through the whole game and also avoid any combat contact! This play-through would only be possible once your ‘skills’ improved and you got VERY familiar with the controls and the game world. There’s even an achievement for doing so, hope it's worth-a-lot of G's!

They have also done a lot of work on avoiding motion sickness whilst playing, which is essential I think! (one reason why I still can’t play Doom).

This game is looking so unique...

Gav Cooper said...

I borrowed Mirror's Edge from work, and let me say this... I was wrong!

Yahtzee seems to have hit the nail on the head with his review, again.
He states exactly how I felt when playing through it!