Tuesday, March 31, 2009


FINALLY! I’ve launched a fully working multiplayer version of Connect Wars on newgrounds.com for player feedback and review slaughter! What I’m hoping to gain mainly with regards to mass player feedback is responses about how clear and quick the game is to pick up, learn and play.

To avoid my ‘how to play’ screen looking like it’s bursting to the brim with too much info, I’ve tried to cut it down to just the basics, but I’m a concerned that players won’t understand the game at first glance and will give up trying, then abandon the game all together.

The fact that I’ve launched a two player only version probably won’t help towards this concern, as it’s fairly unlikely that two people will be around the same computer and will both be willing to focus, learn and play this new game. A single player version might capture new players via the trail and error method o
f learning a new game. Most gamers take this approach first time with any new title, even if they don’t realise it, like... who reads the manual... hardly anyone.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

F'IDDY ¢ - 1$ $H17

This review is so very funny for a number of reasons, also a good piece of social commentary I think... and yeah, I wouldn't piss on this game if it was on fire! So very lame.

Monday, March 23, 2009


Mostly been working on SPP3 stuff this week. Searching and applying for jobs and post graduate courses, my applications are 'mock' as the jobs out there arn't very realistic when it comes to my situation, bottom line is there aint no work around ere'! Postgrad study sounds intresting though.
Also getting a show reel together (I'm not going to use mine for prospective applictaions) just to fufill the requirments of this brief (don't ask). Along with game screens, a profile shot of me (ewww) plus other end of year show related stuff, it's been an odd breif. Almost completed it though, then I can get back to work on Client and PRP, which is coming along...

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


I’m at the stage, again, where I need to ask for help from the code Gods...

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Update. HERE is my progress so far with the half way mark just gone. Steady as she goes. Nearly have a two player version working, nearly. The playability of this current version is still nil! I’m about a week behind schedule which is really screwing up my PRP project and knocking that way off course in turn. I’m getting frustrated with it, really frustrated.

I’ve also had a MAJOR financial blow recently due to an expected University grant being cancelled at last min, without notification. So I’ve been busy trying to sort that out and its repercussions, which has been pretty stressful to say the least.

Onwards into the void...