Sunday, April 12, 2009


I have put the word out on two games related forums that I regularly stalk ( and, about my latest version of “Connect Wars”, asking for thoughts and feedback. I bet it gets "blam-ed" or whatever the phrase is, if any response is generated at all... let’s see...


When talking via email with a tutor the other day he mentioned that by 'streamlining' my PRP and Client projects around the same game (Connect Wars) it might have caused some confusion as to what part of the game has been PRP development (Artefacts) and what is Client work. (just a point: this would have been better mentioned to me when I proposed this project merger, like three months ago!)

Anyways, just to clarify, PRP and the six Artefacts that make up the a major part of that brief are all based around the AI responses, in other words, the ‘solo game’ mode where the human player, plays the computer. The Client project is the game itself and everything included with-in it… hell why not.

Artefact four, which can be viewed HERE, comprises of an advancement with regards to the AI aiming to make a x5 connection of its own suit symbol.
The grid is now evaluated twice each time a move is made, same as before, left to right, top to bottom. This time on the 2nd evaluation the AI looks at its own suit symbol placements and if no threat is detected it aims to extend its own connections to x5 for the win. This AI could possibly be improved upon and made harder to beat by prioritising its own suit placements (attacking moves) over its opponents (defensive moves).

With regards to the rest of the games progress and in other words… Client… I’ve made pleasing head way. SAME LINK AS ABOVE. Apart from ironing out small ‘knock on effect’ bugs that I keep spotting here and there, the audio has been completed, I think (subject to change) and I’ve added a feature that informs the player which side they are playing at the start of a solo game. I also keep tinkering with the visuals here and there, too many small changes to mention, it’s all wasting time really as I should / need to be focusing on the AI and improving it. So much still to do on that front!

Comments? Feedback? Anyone? Tutors, do you actually read my blog? If so prove it… by leaving me some f***in' feedback in the comments link below! Ahg!

Thursday, April 09, 2009


Today's progress can be viewed HERE.

I've been playing around with sound effects today, just to give my brain a break from AI really. I'm not to sure about the 'bomb placed' FX or the 'defuse' FX, but I think that I'm pretty happy with the rest of them... meh!

Comments / Feedback... anyone?

Wednesday, April 08, 2009


Click HERE now… before I cry!

Updated: Rules screen added to, random trump shuffle icon explained. Animated flip and armour pieces. Win game screen changed, small animations added, grid showing win situation is now displayed.

So much still to complete, so little time…

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


As predicted, now that I have the game system fully operational the PRP artefacts have started to roll out. Click HERE or on the image below to view and play around with PRP Artefact Three.

The AI in this version of ‘Connect Wars’ starts by checking every grid square, left to right, top to bottom and searches for the opposing players suit symbols. When the grid check function finds an opposing players suit symbol, +1 is added to a counter. This in turn allows for the computer AI to view the whole grid and its current situation, every turn. From the AI looking at the grid in this way it can then work out where is best to place a response piece, based on a points system.

Go to ‘solo play’, try and connect x5 of your suit symbol only, it is impossible to do this without the use of trump pieces as the computer will block you at every turn, guaranteed.


With artefact one being a questionnaire based around AI in games, the results of which I’m still yet to publish, artefact two is now finally ready and posted, and the rest are now underway. Now I’ve cleared the massive hurdle of producing my own working game system, the AI computer responses for the single player mode of Connect Wars are now being worked upon, to be fair this stage should have been reached three weeks back. I’m a little behind schedule. Click HERE or on the image below to view PRP Artefact Two.

In this artefact (2) the AI responses for the single player mode are very basic. The AI searches the grid from left to right, top to bottom, every turn, and looks for any grid squares that are light grey (grid squares that can are open for play), then the computer is told to place a suit symbol of its own suit in a random light grey square.

No tactics are used in this method; it is all based around math.random. Obviously the downfalls of this approach are clear and it doesn’t make for a challenging game, even if its responses do occasionally throw out a decent play, but this is only by chance if so.