Monday, January 01, 2007


Its been a relaxing festive season this year and I got some great presents, all of which I am very thankful for. One present was a pair of Sennheiser wireless headphones!

They are nifty, work flawlessly and are very useful for around the house or studio.

I've had mine plugged into my computer mostly, with WinAmp playing my whole music collection on shuffle, leaving me free to wander anywhere with-in a seizable range (which I haven't managed to venture out of yet) whilst still being contained in my own little happy bubble of sound. They recharge themselves when not in use, so no dead battery worries and best of all...

*Observe the rather obscure 'MySpace' style photo below...

Its all so very pleasing...

Happy New Year!

1 comment:

Thunderpants said...

Top. Reckon they'd work at uni? It could be a good distraction from boring lectures! Hold tight.