Monday, June 25, 2007


It has been longer than normal since my last post (like anyone but myself reads this damn blog anyway!) I have moved out of my overcrowded accommodation in Nottingham before I butchered everyone there with the dirty kitchen knife - (‘nuff said)

I’m back north for the summer, seeking work and hoping to get some cash saved up for this coming September, when I’ll be moving in with my wonderful girlfriend Claire - (big smiles all round)

My end of year presentation went better than expected; it gave me a chance to reflect on a rough first year and also to make goals and targets for my second. As predicted my chosen pathway is Games Design, I’d be lying to myself if I chose any other and BOY am I looking forward to it!

Since moving back home I have been working through a very interesting text book, Gary Rosenweig – “Flash MX, Actionscript for Fun & Games”.
My summer project is video game developed with actionscript programming, it’s going slow thus far, but I’m enjoying every frustrating second of it. I’ll post my progress here as and when.

Here is a little gem for my fellow game geeks out there; it’s a short comic strip in homage to probably my favourite video game series of all time
(oh when will the 3
rd be coming out?!) only the enthusiasts will understand this one…

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