Friday, January 04, 2008


Forza Motorsport 2 has a unique facility with-in the game that allows the player to take a photograph from ANY angle at anytime during a single player race. Then if the player is hooked up to Xbox Live they can upload their photos to the web, allowing PCs and other devices to download and view them. (The whole process takes seconds)

What makes taking and uploading in-game photos “worthwhile” is that Forza 2 also has a massively deep paint box tool that allows players to paint and customise their rides layer upon layer, like how Photoshop uses layers. This combined with a vast library of material at the user’s disposal makes for creating very unique looking cars every time… like a Texture Artist would texture a 3D model. (I’m sure there’s much more to the job role than that)

Below (1st photo) is my Audi TT, its my first car in the game as I’m a n00b!
I’ve spent little time in the paint shop on it, more of a test really.

Bottom (2nd photo) same Audi... moments later... I’ve just slammed it head on into a brick wall… nice damage effects…

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