Sunday, July 13, 2008


First things first, the results are in for the 2nd year and I got a god dam 1st
Obviously I’m extremely happy with that result and I think a 1st honestly reflects the effort and passion I put into my submitted work... GO ME!


Moving on... and after pondering the different possibilities for my up coming client project I decided to do a rough concept design for one of my potential clients, Nottingham City Council. NCC has a new recycling initiative coming up, but one of their major issues is that the (idiotic) public don’t understand what recyclable waste goes into what colour bags… so I’ve come up with a very simple Flash game that would educate players on that very subject.

As you can see from the game screen design below, the player has to click and drag the correct waste (which will constantly be falling, ala Tetris) into the correct coloured bins. There are the standard game mechanics of the player versus the clock, and also the speed increases as the player progresses through the levels. If the player is too slow the fallen waste builds up till the screen is full, then it’s game over.

This design is very basic I know, it clearly needs a lot more development… but I just wanted to get the idea out of my system and publish it up here.
If this was my official client project for the 3rd year I’d defiantly produce a game that didn’t follow such standard games concepts... I’d certainly want to make a game that operated ‘out side of the box’.

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