Sunday, January 28, 2007


Here is an update on the E Stings project thus far...
The following two video clips are test animations that I have created.

Click the E Stings Dairy link below to download an MS word document containing my thoughts and ideas, plus much more! There is also the supporting Questionnaire.

Download: E Sting Diary
Download: Questionnaire

“E4 Tetris & E4 Pong” – Gav Cooper


Matt Choules said...

Just a couple of things, firstly Pong & Tetris are trademarks so you shouldn't really name them that.
Secondly although the music for the Tetris one works i still think its a bit static. As i suggested before i think the blocks should spin. Maybe the game starts slow and get quicker also...?

Both of the endings are very abrupt, i think. Maybe you could add a bit more time at the ends.

Just one more thing, both of these stings are games. How do you think that reflects on E4 when shown with a game?
Are you intending to do more stings, and if so are they going to be more games or different media?

Hope this helps.

Gav Cooper said...

Seen as how all material used in the animations is of my own creation I don't think I'll have any trouble regarding copyright. They can't stop me making a mock up version, as I have done (note the thousands of tetris copies spawned over the years)
Thats that sorted!

Both of the two test animations shown are video game related, I talk about this in my 'E Stings Diary' and about how my some of my research points in that direction.

Not both of the idents posted here will be carried through into development, so one IS planning to be dropped to make room for another.

You have pointed out the obvious developments with the tetris idea, these are just test animations that need development.

Edd said...

I like these, they remind me of Adam and Joe, which is 100 times better than the majority of the tosh on channel 4/E4 at the moment.

Gav Cooper said...

actually, when it comes to trademarks and Tetris i'm sure thats a pretty grey area, where as Pong i'm sure is 100% covered.

so maybe Pong is the one i should drop... ?!

Les Mantock said...

Hi Gav

I’ve just had a chance to look at your E-stings testers, I’m a fan of all animation and cyber visualisation stuff, I appreciate the time and effort that one or a team goes through to produce one of these creations and I like the creations you have shown.

The record player I liked due to the fact it was straight forward and represented a musical format, although I was expecting something less obvious than the abrupt appearance of the 4 sign. Maybe it could be developed so you have a slow zoom in showing the whole of the record player and as the record revolves the player too starts to revolve and then spins into the 4 sign, keeping the whole thing on the move.

The Tetris one seemed a little basic(excuse me for saying so, I know I could not create it) and again I was waiting for something else to happen, I read an earlier post and someone suggested you make the squares spin or rotate, I think that would add to the effect.

I really liked the Atari Ping Pong one, I know it’s been done a million times but it is still affective and people of my age group who grew up with Atari will identify with it straight away (depending on who your target audience is if specified). How about using Pac-Man the maze game and having that morph into the shape of the E4 sing and still have the playing inside the 4 shape.

Best of luck with it, keep it simple.

Les 1st Year MM