Tuesday, February 20, 2007


I’ve been wrestling with flash for the past few weeks trying to produce my Tetris TV ident for E4 (the video above ^^) I got bogged down in lots and lots of key frames and tweens and it has sort of distracted me from working on much else over the past weeks.

Eventually after trying out many different ways of producing similar results I came to putting together this version (it isn’t the finished version)
I am planning on getting some help from one of my tutors to lend a hand with some of the transition effects
, so hopefully it will look a bit more polished but you get the general feel for it. The sounds used in this were produced from sampling a Nintendo DS and then re-making them using Cool Edit Pro, as illustrated in a previous post.

Any feedback or comments would be much apriciated! Please add yours by clicking the “comments” link situated... below...

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